Including the "Texas Top 12"
Heritage, Windermere, The Dark Lady, Molineaux,
Jude the Obscure, Sophy's Rose, William Shakespeare, The Ainwick Rose,
Carding Mill, Lady Emma, Darcy Bussell, Princess Alexandra
A few of my notes on Helen's presentation:
Graham Thomas was not included on the Texas Top 12 list but Helen did express throughout her presentation what an excellent performer this rose is. We agree.
Carding Mill does very well in Texas but not so well in the United Kingdom.
David Austin Roses are grafted onto Dr. Huey rootstock. They are beginning to offer own root but says to "visit our website for more information".
Windermere (AUShomer) was in Helen's presentation (I have the photo to prove it) but is not listed in the catalog or on their website (hmmm...). See info I did find here.
BTW - Molineaux is a variety you will sometimes find at our retail nurseries - call before you make the trip as it sells out quickly. It is not in the mail order catalog.
I love this photo of Constance Spry (Spring bloomer) taken near Pixar Studios.
Just in case you would like a bouquet of David Austin Roses any day of the week...
Not from the same variety bushes one would plant in the garden. These rose bush varieties are bred to have long stems and to be able to produce blooms in the commercial floral environment. They are, however, still David Austin Roses and have fragrance, old fashion bloom form with many, many petals.
Graham Thomas was not included on the Texas Top 12 list but Helen did express throughout her presentation what an excellent performer this rose is. We agree.
Carding Mill does very well in Texas but not so well in the United Kingdom.
David Austin Roses are grafted onto Dr. Huey rootstock. They are beginning to offer own root but says to "visit our website for more information".
Windermere (AUShomer) was in Helen's presentation (I have the photo to prove it) but is not listed in the catalog or on their website (hmmm...). See info I did find here.
BTW - Molineaux is a variety you will sometimes find at our retail nurseries - call before you make the trip as it sells out quickly. It is not in the mail order catalog.

Just in case you would like a bouquet of David Austin Roses any day of the week...