Does it look like this?

Could it be the red climber seen at many old homesites?
Helen Caine of David Austin Roses: "Most of our mail order roses are budded on Dr. Huey rootstock."
Tom Carruth at Weeks Roses says, "We use Dr. Huey exclusively. It propagates easily, it has a long budding season, the plants harden off and ship well, they store well when bare-rooted, and the general adaptability to the broad area of climates and soils that we ship to is pretty good."(1)
Or do you have a "miracle rose" with two colors?

Grafted roses - the process where a bud-eye is taken from the desired rose plant, such as Peace, and grafted to the stem of a growing rootstock plant, below the bottom set of leaves. After the bud-eye produces adequate growth, the top of the rootstock plant is cut away entirely, leaving Peace growing on the roots of the understock. (1)
Antique Rose Emporium is proud to offer two gallon, own root, vigorous, easy to grow, fragrant and long-lived roses.
Antique Rose Emporium is proud to offer two gallon, own root, vigorous, easy to grow, fragrant and long-lived roses.
(1) Learn more about rose rootstock propagation - used by the other guys.